Road transport has become more complex to organize, less predictable in terms of difficulties in the delivery process. The price range for this type of transportation has also increased significantly. In these conditions, it is very important to choose a contractor who can ensure that the delivery time is met within the agreed tariffs, and has sufficient expertise to solve non-standard tasks.
Categories of transported cargo:
General cargo:
Equipment, electronics, consumer goods, household appliances, household chemicals, food products, furniture, building materials etc.
Special cargo:
Temperature-controlled cargo: food products, chemicals, pharmaceutical goods
Hazardous cargo: food additives, chemicals
Oversized and heavy cargo: equipment, containers, road, agricultural and municipal equipment, cargoes for mining and oil industry
High-tech and sensitive cargo
Smaller cargo
Types of rolling stock for transportation:
- Tent semi-trailers of various volumes: 82 m3, 90 m3, 100 m3 (mega trailers), 120 m3
- Universal container chassis for transportation of dry and tank containers
- Refrigerator semi-trailers
- Small and medium duty trucks
- Glass transport trucks (for the CIS market)

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