
Customs clearance is closely linked to the control of restrictions, primarily sanctions restrictions, on import, export and transit of goods. Therefore, a qualified partner in the field of customs clearance, who is ready to carry out both preliminary checks of documentation and cargo, and to advise during post-control customs authorities, is of great importance.

Our customs services include:

  1. Import, export and transit processing, with access to the systems:
    • ATLAS: electronic customs procedure for handling all types of import cargo with release into free circulation
    • NCTS (New Computerised Transit-Systems): electronic system for processing transit cargoes
    • AES (Automated Export System): electronic export declaration system
  2. Direct contact with customs representatives for any inquiries (Fürstenwalde)
  3. Carnet TIR registration
  4. Issuance of T-1 transit declaration under own guarantees
  5. Operations and handling at our own customs warehouse (Fürstenwalde)
  6. Phytosanitary and veterinary control

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If you are interested in our services or need an individual offer, please contact us: